Are you telling the story of your business effectively?

Everyone loves a story…but not when it’s told poorly.

Like a good novel, a good business story should resonate and stay in people’s minds, call them to action.

What makes a good story? The tools of narrative: setting and context, a hero with a purpose and supporting cast that must overcome adversities to achieve the greatest desires, a riveting storyline with turning points, expert crafting. At Stories to Last, this what we do. We want you to be the hero of your own story and succeed in your business!


Good Stories Sell

A good story creates empathy. People can relate to the characters and their troubles and root them on to success, investing time to reach the outcome. A well-told story not only captures a reader, it cultivates TRUST and relationship. It creates confidence to make decisions. Think about your last major decision or investment. Chances are there was a story that made sense to you, making it worthwhile to invest your time or money.

Good Stories Start with Desire

Every good story involves a character who wants something and overcomes challenges to get it. This is your MISSION, your goal. Can you define it? And the conflicts addressed to achieve it? If it is expressed using narrative, people will naturally want to help you achieve your mission, within your organization and outside as clients and customers. People like to be a part of stories, and you want them to be part of yours.



Good Stories Tell the Truth

You don’t have to make up a story. You already have one. People relate to authenticity and recognize universal truths. Your company CULTURE, your business ethics are a part of this. What are the values by which you conduct your business every day? What is unique or captivating or important about what you do? These are the qualities that make you the hero in your story.

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